Today, I want to present Anton from Kiev, Ukraine. His son, Orest, is a kindergartner with over 250 completed Smartick sessions! As a parent, Anton values math and understands that it can be the key to a brighter future for his young learner. In fact, prior to Smartick, he enrolled Orest in a traditional paper-based method and had him work on Gakken workbooks to help develop his son’s math skills. However, nearly a year ago Anton decided to try Smartick for his son and hasn’t looked back since.
Why did you choose Smartick as opposed to working on other online or traditional programs?
I’ve tried a few online programs but none of them had tutorials made as well as yours or had strong content progression. We used a Japanese paper-based method and Gakken workbooks which worked well and Orest liked the physical stickers. But they end rather quickly, don’t have the adaptability, and have no availability in the Ukrainian language.
I like the structured repetitive approach in which I’m a big believer. We have established a routine which he is used to. With that said, there is no need to force him do the lesson. He even sometimes reminds me that he has to complete his lesson.
What are some ways you help motivate Orest to complete his daily sessions? Do you have a particular routine?
We usually do the session after breakfast. He helps me or his mother prepare breakfast, then we eat together, and after, he completes his lesson. We very seldom have issues with Orest not wanting to work on his session.
Orest is still in kindergarten so he doesn’t have any grades. However, he has definitely improved his mental math skills and logic abilities. When he has lessons in preschool (math, logic, language, arts) he usually has no issues whatsoever with math and logic.
Do you think working on extra math outside of school is important? If so, why?
In our country, (Ukraine) math is definitely important in addition to English classes. You can find really good math in some high schools and universities, but parents and children have to put a lot of effort outside of the classroom to have a strong math and natural science foundation in elementary and middle school. If you have bad level in middle school, you will not be able to join a good high school, so it is a catch-22 type of situation.
Do you want to hear what other parents and teachers have to say about Smartick? Discover more here.
Learn More:
- Going Beyond Classroom Expectations
- Differences between IXL and Smartick
- “With Smartick I’ve seen a great difference in my son’s attitude”
- Homeschooling Math: Make It Fun with the Smartick Method
- The First Trimester with Smartick
- “I really think it has given them that extra confidence” - 11/20/2019
- Prepare children and let math open doors - 10/23/2019
- What Makes Smartick Different from Mathletics? - 10/09/2019