The attention games found in Smartick Brain are designed to improve various aspects of attention, such as sustained attention, which is the ability to maintain focus on a specific task for an extended period of time, despite external distractions.
Sustained attention is a critical component of the learning process. It enables children to absorb information, actively participate in educational activities, and successfully complete tasks. This article will explore sustained attention, why it is so important for development and learning, and how it can be trained in children using the Smartick Brain games.
What Is Sustained Attention?
Sustained attention implies the ability to maintain concentration on a task or activity for an extended period of time without being distracted by external stimuli. For example, a child with good sustained attention can read a book without losing interest or drifting off to other activities. This skill is crucial in educational settings, where children must pay attention during lessons, complete tasks, and follow instructions.
Importance of Sustained Attention in Learning
Sustained attention plays a crucial role in the learning process for several reasons:
- It facilitates the absorption of information. Children who can focus on a task or activity are better equipped to absorb and process the information they receive. This allows them to learn more effectively and retain knowledge for the long term.
- Promotes active participation. Good sustained attention enables children to actively participate in educational activities, ask questions, seek answers, and contribute meaningfully to the learning process.
- Promotes problem-solving. Maintaining focus on a task for an extended period of time enables children to meet challenges and solve problems more effectively, helping them develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
- It prepares for academic and career success. Sustained attention is a fundamental skill that children need to succeed in school and life. Strengthening this skill from an early age can lay the foundation for effective learning and strong academic performance in the future.
Sustained Attention Games at Smartick Brain
Children’s brains are highly malleable and receptive. This means that, with the right practice, children can strengthen and improve their attention span. Cognitive training attention games offer an engaging and effective way to do this. Let’s look at two attention games from Smartick Brain that improve sustained attention.
Kiwi Run
One of the most played Smartick Brain attention games is Kiwi Run. In this game, a kiwi bird must collect kiwis to keep up energy and fly. The game consists of helping the bird not crash and flying as long as possible.
This game requires perceptual speed, hand-eye coordination, and sustained attention. In fact, you have to maintain focus for an extended period to accumulate points and make the game last as long as possible.
Among the attention games, Asteroids is a fan favorite. A spaceship travels through the universe, trying not to be hit by asteroids. Once again, sustained attention is one of the main elements of this game since the player has to concentrate on the task for a prolonged period of time so that the spaceship can travel.
In conclusion, sustained attention is a crucial skill children need to succeed in academia and life. Through effective training strategies and consistent practice, parents and educators can help children develop and improve this fundamental skill, preparing them for a future filled with both academic and personal achievement.
Kids who do Smartick can access online games like these every day after completing their 15-minute math or reading session. Sign up for the Smartick Method and try it for free.
Learn More:
- Attention and Learning with SmartickBrain
- Searching for Fun Activities for Your Kids This Summer?
- Educational Games on SmartickBrain, Essential for Learning
- Exploring Cognitive Training Using Memory Games
- Exercising Memory with SmartickBrain Games