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Educational Technology: The Christodoulou Test

Educational Technology: The Christodoulou Test

  Ten years after the grand promises of educational technology, what has the result been? Has time been acted as a sufficient filter? Daisy Christodoulou has built a reputation in the United Kingdom as an essayist on education, advocating for approaches grounded in practice and scientific evidence. She has been al speaker at ResearchEd conferences, […]

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Shakira and Smartick Join Together to Improve Math in Colombia

Shakira and Smartick Join Together to Improve Math in Colombia

The Barefoot Foundation (Fundación Pies Descalzos) was created by Shakira in 1997 to make quality public education available to Colombian children. Now, with Smartick’s help, they will bring this online mathematics learning method to five schools in the Foundation. These schools are located in the Colombian cities of Barranquilla, Cartagena, and Quibdó. Javier Arroyo, Smartick […]

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Diwali in a new Mathematical Light!

Diwali in a new Mathematical Light!

Happy Diwali! Diwali, or Deepavali, is India’s most widely celebrated and anticipated holiday of the year. This Hindu festival symbolizes good over evil, light over darkness, and knowledge over ignorance. Certainly like a confluence of many rivers into one mighty, expansive ocean, every Indian has their own Diwali based story: In northern India, they celebrate […]

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Commit, Take the Leap, and Learn with Smartick

Commit, Take the Leap, and Learn with Smartick

Commit to Learning Why is consistency such an important element in Smartick? To commit to something and hold ourselves accountable is part of the learning process. This rings true for all academic disciplines: math, sciences, humanities, and arts. Learning to play the piano requires practice, so does picking up a new language, and of course, […]

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Boundless Learning with Limited Screen Time

Boundless Learning with Limited Screen Time

Uncharted Territory: Technology Landscape As technology weaves its way into the fibers of our society, we see the many benefits and pitfalls unravel in real time. Digital devices are becoming extensions of ourselves, an addition limb that has evolved over the years. As computers, phones, and tablets become more present, parents are finding themselves navigating […]

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Igniting the Math Spark with Smartick

Igniting the Math Spark with Smartick

Math Gray Area We all have heard that some students are just good or bad at math. And they either love it or hate it. The in-between doesn’t seem to exist. Kelly, a teacher, and Smartick supporter found herself in an odd gray area which she describes on her blog Reviews by the Banks. She […]

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IMO: The Best Math Problem Solvers in the World

IMO: The Best Math Problem Solvers in the World

Congrats, U.S. team–you’ve done it again! The U.S. just won this year’s International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), which was held in Romania. The team won for the third time in four years, after decades without a victory. We know that these Mathletes are outliers, but so are NBA basketball players. Take the team’s coach, Po-Shen Lo, […]

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Smartick, the Right Math Incentive

Smartick, the Right Math Incentive

An incentive can be useful at times to motivate positive behaviors in children. Be it developing a routine, doing one’s daily chores, or simply falling in love with math. Let’s see what Michelle from the blog Powered By Mom has to say about her experience and how she used Smartick as an incentive for her […]

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Smartick Method: ‘This is Fun!’

Smartick Method: ‘This is Fun!’

Learning Can and Should be Fun Brain research suggests that fun is not just beneficial to learning but, by many reports, required for authentic learning and long-term memory. Neurologist and educator Judy Willis’ book “Research-Based Strategies to Ignite Student Learning: Insights from a Neurologist and Classroom Teacher” (ASCD, 2006) is one of many that highlights […]

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The Right Choice among Endless Options

The Right Choice among Endless Options

Endless Responsibilities, Countless Choices Parents have a lot on their plate. From preparing children for school to helping with assignments, projects, crises, their list of responsibilities goes on. Nowadays, technology is meant to help families and make life easier. However, technological options have expanded. Options are no longer limited to just choosing the exact brand […]

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Math Curveballs and Home Runs

Math Curveballs and Home Runs

Curveballs Smartick mom and blogger Ashley initially planned to homeschool her three children. As we all know, life throws us curveballs and things change. Plans don’t play out accordingly. Instead, Ashley enrolled her children in their local school. Back to school didn’t mean “hands off” with their education. She wanted to stay involved in their […]

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