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All posts by Conchi Ruiz Cabello

Conchi has spent the last decade working in the children's digital space and following closely all the latest trends in educational apps. On the weekends, she loves exploring Boston with her three-year-old daughter and taking pictures of their time together.


Using Frustration and Failure as Educational Tools

Several scientifically-based studies, by Walter Mischel, Martin Seligman, Angela Duckworth, and others, confirm that cognitive ability (measured, for example, by IQ) is not a reliable indicator of success and achievement. How do we define success and achievement? We look at academic indicators (like grades and test scores) or social factors (a career, stable family life, […]

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10 Mistakes Parents Make with Their Children’s Homework

10 Mistakes Parents Make with Their Children’s Homework

Homework is a basic pillar of the education system. As unpopular as it might be with some kids, most parents and teachers defend homework, saying it reinforces classroom learning, helps create good work habits and discipline, and benefits concentration and memory. Homework is a child’s task and responsibility, however, parents also play a role: that […]

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How Can Smartick Motivate Children with Math?

At Smartick, we want our students to learn as well as be motived to keep on learning math. We’ve already talked to you about gamification in other entries and about the changes that were introduced in order to motivate children. The North American psychologist, A. Maslow, believes that motivation is an impulse that humans have […]

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