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All posts by Katrina Intal

Hails from the Bronx, NY and the Head of Business Development. She studied International Relations and Economics at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts and went abroad during her junior year to the Complutense University in Madrid. When she isn't eating or traveling, she loves kickboxing and playing squash.


Prepare children and let math open doors

Prepare children and let math open doors Numbers are woven into the fabric of our society, whether we like it or not. We need math to pursue degrees like engineering, calculate a customer’s change, or prepare a meal for a family of five. The subject is critical in a child’s education. Despite the subject being an integral part of our lives, […]

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What Makes Smartick Different from Mathletics?

What Makes Smartick Different from Mathletics?

Nowadays, we aren’t short of options. We are no longer restricted to only choosing the types of cereal or toothpaste we want. The diversity of alternatives has found its way to important decisions. Now, everything from choosing the type of school to selecting extracurricular online programs are part of the decision-making process. With that being […]

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More Insights From a Leading Education Expert

More Insights From a Leading Education Expert

September is here! For many, this means the end of summer and back to school. Of course, there are kids whose academic term is already well underway. At Smartick, the summer holidays have come and gone and we are excited to see what this fall brings. Particularly, to kick off this month with a breath […]

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How can you avoid math anxiety?

How can you avoid math anxiety? Your heart beats faster. Your hands get clammy. Sweat beads start to hinder your eyesight. You’re not running a race. Instead, the teacher just called on you to solve a math problem in front of the class. Your anxiety skyrockets. Many students (and adults) can relate to this uncomfortable situation. Unfortunately, more often than […]

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Books to Pique Children’s Math Curiosity

Books to Pique Children’s Math Curiosity

  As you may know, at Smartick, we’re advocates of more than just math. For one, our curriculum covers not just arithmetic, but coding, logic, and word problems. If you browse through our blog, you will find different themes arise. In a recent post, we discussed the importance and benefits of reading. Not only does […]

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“Honestly, I’d Struggle If I Didn’t Have Smartick”

“Honestly, I’d Struggle If I Didn’t Have Smartick” At Smartick, we want children to master the math foundations. We know that math is a critical skill and can be the key for a brighter future. However, we also place value in abilities that go beyond automated calculation. For this reason, we want to help students develop critical thinking, problem-solving skills, healthy study […]

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Smartick, South Africa, and a Common Thread 

Smartick, South Africa, and a Common Thread Smartick visits South Africa I had the chance to travel with Smartick Co-founder Javier Arroyo to Johannesburg, South Africa in April. During our time there, we had the pleasure of meeting some wonderful Smartick families. Today, I want to introduce you to Aasiyah. She is a Smartick mom of 9-year-old Dhilwan living in South […]

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Returning the reviews favor!

Returning the reviews favor!

Your Opinion Matters Favorite sushi restaurants in the neighborhood? Any recommendations for non-fiction book?  What is this online math program all about? In this day and age of online reviews, whether it’s for restaurants, books, and educational programs, many turn to the comments and experiences of others to help them make an informed decision. I […]

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Dear Welly…Wishes, Recommendations, and Life Thoughts

Dear Welly…Wishes, Recommendations, and Life Thoughts

We all know that children say the darndest things. In fact, Smartick knows this first hand through Welly, our Virtual World Well. As you know, students can share their wishes, opinions, and recommendations about their sessions, math, Smartick overall, or life itself with Welly! Our team appreciates getting to know Smartick students better and if […]

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