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Content Creation Team. A multidisciplinary and multicultural team made up of mathematicians, teachers, professors and other education professionals! They strive to create the best math content possible.


The Number Pi

The number Pi Is one of the most important mathematical constants and it indicates the relationship between the perimeter (L) and the diameter (D) of a circumference. So, L = pi x D The number Pi is an irrational number. In other words, it’s a number that can’t be expressed as a two whole-numbered fraction, which […]

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Logic Exercises at Smartick

In this week’s post, we are going to look at the types of logic exercises that we have at Smartick. Logic exercises are very important for putting thoughts in order, for expressing them clearly, for analyzing, for deducing correctly and finally, for solving problems that we’ve never seen before. We think it’s essential that our […]

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Powers in Math

Hello! How did your week start off? Are you ready to learn about what powers are today? Yes! You heard correctly, today we are going to focus on powers. Do you know what powers are for? We use powers to simplify multiplication problems that use more than one of the same number. The power of […]

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Classification: First Steps towards Logical-Mathematical Thinking

Classification: First Steps towards Logical-Mathematical Thinking

Within logical-mathematical knowledge is the process of classification, which represents the first steps towards learning more complex mathematical concepts. Classification generates a series of mental relations through which children group objects according to similarities and differences, depending on different criteria: shape, color, size, etc… These relationships are the basis for the construction of logical-mathematical thinking. […]

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