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Content Creation Team. A multidisciplinary and multicultural team made up of mathematicians, teachers, professors and other education professionals! They strive to create the best math content possible.


Angles Explained with Clockhands

Angles Explained with Clockhands

In today’s post, we’ll be relating clocks to angles as we are learning how to calculate the angle that the two hands on a clock form. An analog clock has 12 numbers, which divide the clock into 12 equal parts. These divisions indicate the hours. Each hour is divided into five subdivisions that amount to […]

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Lines: What They Are, Types, and Examples

Lines: What They Are, Types, and Examples

In this post, we are going to learn about straight and curved lines which Euclid described and studied. Many, many years ago (more than 2,000 years) there was a culture to which we owe an important part of mathematics, Ancient Greece. It is likely that Euclid’s contribution was the most important. He collected everything that […]

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What Are Combined Operations?

What are combined operations? They are those in which various arithmetic operations appear: adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. How do you solve them? To solve combined operations correctly you have to follow the following steps: STEP 1: Do the operations that are inside of the parentheses. In our example, we have inside of the parentheses […]

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What Are Decimal Numbers?

What are decimal numbers? Decimal numbers are used to represent numbers that are smaller than 1 unit. Decimals are written to the right of the units place separated by a period. That is the say: Hundreds Tens Units; Tenths Hundredths Thousandths In the image that appears below, the first square represents the unit 1. If […]

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Practice Estimating Fractions with Examples

Practice Estimating Fractions with Examples

Today we will practice estimating fractions! We’re going to look at the types of problems below: Problem 1:  Estimating Fractions. To get a better idea, we’re going to represent the fractions with bars. Let’s start with the first fraction. We can see that the fraction is much closer to 0 than it is to 1. If […]

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