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I want to learn about: Fractions

Content about fractions in elementary mathematics. Exercises, tutorials, problems, and teaching resources for fractions in elementary. Here you will find posts about fractions to make learning mathematics easier and more fun.


Learn How to Solve Fractions with an Unknown Variable

Learn How to Solve Fractions with an Unknown Variable

In this post, we are going to learn to solve one of the situations in which we could encounter fractions with an unknown variable. First, you should review what equivalent fractions are in some of our previous posts: Concept of equivalent fractions Examples of equivalent fractions We could encounter a mathematic expression with an unknown […]

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Inverse Proportionality: What Is It?

Inverse Proportionality: What Is It?

Today, we’re going to learn about inverse proportionality between magnitudes. To start off, we need to remind ourselves that a magnitude is anything that can be measured. If this doesn’t ring a bell, look over our previous post where we talk about direct proportionality and explain the concept of magnitude: Direct Proportionality Lots of magnitudes […]

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What Is a Fraction? Definition and Various Meanings

What Is a Fraction? Definition and Various Meanings

What’s a fraction? It’s not an easy question to answer. Despite it being such a familiar element, fractions have various meanings, which makes it tricky to define and in turn, teach, and understand. Fractions can be interpreted in no less than five ways; we’ll look at those ways in this post. The different meanings of […]

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Proportional Relationship and Examples in Everyday Life

Proportional Relationship and Examples in Everyday Life

In this post, we’re going to go a little further with proportional relationship. Let’s take a look at some different examples of ratio and proportion in everyday life. Before we begin, let’s review both of these concepts in the following link: Ratio and Proportion. As we’ve mentioned before, it’s all about two ways of relating quantities, […]

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Learn How to Subtract Fractions

Learn How to Subtract Fractions

In today’s post, we are going to look at how to subtract fractions; but in order subtract them, first you’ll have to know what the denominator and numerator mean in a fraction: The numerator is the number that is written in the top part of the fraction and the denominator is the number that is […]

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Using Lego Blocks to Help with Addition of Fractions

Using Lego Blocks to Help with Addition of Fractions

In today’s post we’re going to learn how to add fractions, using something that I’m sure you know and love: Lego blocks! They’ll help you understand the concept, just like the Singapore Method, and they’re also something that I’m sure you have at home. If not, you can draw your own, like the ones you’ll […]

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Proportional Numbers Problems. Ratio and Proportion

Proportional Numbers Problems. Ratio and Proportion

In today’s post we are going to work with proportions. Today, we’ll start by looking at problems with proportional numbers. In order to solve problems with proportional numbers, the first step is to know the concepts of ratio and proportion. Ratio A ratio is the quotient of two numbers or quantities that are being compared […]

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Singapore Math Bar Model for Multiplying Fractions

Singapore Math Bar Model for Multiplying Fractions

In today’s post, we’re going to talk about multiplying fractions using the Singapore Math Bar Model. Let’s take a look at an example: Amy drew a rectangle and colored in 2/5 of the parts purple and after, she striped 1/2 of them yellow. We can calculate the answer by observing the described section between the […]

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