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Classification: First Steps towards Logical-Mathematical Thinking

Within logical-mathematical knowledge is the process of classification, which represents the first steps towards learning more complex mathematical concepts.

Classification generates a series of mental relations through which children group objects according to similarities and differences, depending on different criteria: shape, color, size, etc…

These relationships are the basis for the construction of logical-mathematical thinking. Piaget considered these logical relations as the basis of classification, seriation, graphical representation and the notion of the number.

At Smartick we perform various classification activities, starting with simple shapes that children recognize: circles, squares, triangles…

The student must place the same shaped objects as indicated by the tag inside the circle.

They start by classifying objects according to their shape, considering just one characteristic:

Logical-Mathematical Thinking

The difficulty gradually increases, shape and color…

Logical-Mathematical Thinking

Moving on to more complex difficulties like classification with negation, in which the student must take into account shape or color, or shape and color, and select objects that do not meet these characteristics:

Logical-Mathematical Thinking

Venn diagrams are used to show the grouping of elements into sets graphically, with each set represented within a circle or an oval.

These diagrams serve to reinforce several areas of logical and analytical knowledge and real-life problem-solving skills.

Logical-Mathematical Thinking

Another activity we perform is the recognition of the elements of a group and defining the classification criteria. That is to say, contrary to the standard exercises where students are given the classification criteria and they must place the objects according to these characteristics, in these exercises the students must recognize which criteria have already been selected and label the groups.

Logical-Mathematical Thinking

We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s post, and that you understand the importance of classification in the development of logical-mathematical thinking as well as its uses in everyday life.

If you want to practice these types of activities and much more, log in to Smartick and try it for free.

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Fun is our brain’s favorite way of learning
Diane Ackerman
Smartick is a fun way to learn math
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