Divisibility? What is that?
Divisibility is when we divide number A by number B and the remainder is zero. In this case we say that A is divisible by B.
For example, is 1368 divisible by 6?
To find out we divide 1368 by 6:
When we divide it we see that the remainder is zero, therefore 1368 is divisible by 6.
But isn´t there a faster way to know if 1368 is divisible by 6? The answer is YES.
Divisibility guidelines for 6
To know if a number is divisible by 6 it has to meet two conditions:
- It has to be divisible by 2, which is to say that it has to be an even number.
- It has to be divisible by 3, which is to say the sum of its digits has to be 3 or a multiple of 3.
Let’s look at some examples:
Is 3654 divisible by 6?
Let’s look at the two criteria:
- Is it divisible by 2? Yes, because it ends in an even number.
- Is it divisible by 3? Yes, because 3+6+5+4 = 18, and 18 is a multiple of 3.
Since it meets the two conditions, 3654 IS divisible by 6.
Is 9016 divisible by 6?
Let’s look at the two criteria:
- Is it divisible by 2? Yes, because it ends in an even number.
- Is it divisible by 3? No, because 9+0+1+6= 16, and 16 is not a multiple of 3.
Since there is one requirement that it does not meet, 9016 is NOT divisible by 6.
As you can see, it is very easy to determine whether a number is divisible by 6.
Don’t hesitate to share this post with your friends so that they can also learn to determine whether a number is divisible by 6!
To keep learning:
- Divisibility guidelines for 2, 5 and 10.
- Divisibility guidelines for 6, 8 and 12.
- Divisibility guidelines for 7 and 13.
- Divisibility guidelines for 3, 4, 9 and 11.
Learn More:
- Divisibility Guidelines for 9 and Some Examples
- Divisibility Guidelines for 7 and Some Examples
- Divisibility Guidelines for 5 and Some Examples
- Follow the Divisibility Guidelines for 3
- Divisibility Guidelines for 6, 8 and 12