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Learn mathematics with Smartick. Exercises, tutorials, problems and teaching resources for children learning elementary mathematics. Here you will find posts about mathematics to make learning easier and more fun.


What is an Obtuse Angle?

What is an Obtuse Angle?

In today’s post, we are going to learn about what an obtuse angle is with different examples taken from everyday life and some Smartick exercises. What is an Obtuse Angle? An angle is a space shared by two rays that are joined at the same vertex. We can find different types of angles according to […]

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Complementary Angles: What Are They?

Complementary Angles: What Are They?

In today’s post, we are going to learn about what complementary angles are and their properties. After, we will look at some examples and complete a few exercises together. Before we begin, we would recommend reviewing the types of angles that exist. What Are Complementary Angles? Two angles are complementary if the sum of the […]

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Perimeter: What Is It and How to Find It for Any Polygon

Perimeter: What Is It and How to Find It for Any Polygon

Today we are going to learn to calculate perimeters of geometric figures. But first, let’s start with the definition. What is a Perimeter? A perimeter is what we call the length of the outline of a geometric figure. Therefore, the perimeter is a measurement of length, so it will come in centimeters, inches, and feet, […]

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What is a Straight Angle and Examples

What is a Straight Angle and Examples

In today’s post, we will learn what a straight angle is, how many degrees it has, and its properties. We will also practice with some examples. What is a Straight Angle? An angle is a portion of the plane between two rays that are joined by a vertex. A straight angle is the shared space […]

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Adding Fractions with Different Denominators

Adding Fractions with Different Denominators

We are going to begin this post about adding fractions with three very simple questions: 1. If you had one apple and were given two apples, how many apples do you have now? 2. If you had one apple and were given half an apple, how many apples do you have now? 3. If you […]

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Elementary Geometry – Open Lines

Elementary Geometry – Open Lines

In this post, we are going to discover what an open line is and how it is different from a closed line. We will also see different types of open lines. Before we begin, take a look at this post about straight and curved lines to refresh your memory. Open Lines We know that a […]

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The Reason for Divisibility Criteria

The Reason for Divisibility Criteria

Sometimes we may be interested in knowing if one number is divisible by another, without having to perform a division. This is especially useful when we work with large numbers that require a lot of time for completing calculations. If you would like to refresh your memory on divisibility criteria, take a look at this […]

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