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Learn mathematics with Smartick. Exercises, tutorials, problems and teaching resources for children learning elementary mathematics. Here you will find posts about mathematics to make learning easier and more fun.


How to Subtract Polynomials with Help from Algebra Tiles

How to Subtract Polynomials with Help from Algebra Tiles

We are going to dedicate this entry to working with manipulative materials known as algebra tiles. Although you may have a good idea of this topic, it is always good to go back and refresh your memory – we recommend this post. Are you ready? Well, let’s go! How to Subtract Polynomials Our goal is going […]

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Smartick Logic Exercises with Operators

Smartick Logic Exercises with Operators

In today’s post, we are going to practice some Smartick logic exercises that parents ask us about fairly often: Operator exercises. They are exercises that, at first glance, look complicated but once you understand them you see that they can become a game for children! They form part of the logic exercises that stimulate mathematical talent intent […]

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Using Money to Help Learn Decimal Numbers

Using Money to Help Learn Decimal Numbers

Today’s post deals with the day to day use of decimal numbers using money as an example (and to help you better understand it). We are going to start with the basics, reviewing what decimal numbers are and how to read and write them. You can use these resources to refresh your memory: What are […]

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Multiplication of Fractions with an Area Model

Multiplication of Fractions with an Area Model

In today’s post, we are going to see how to use an area model to solve a multiplication problem with fractions. This methodological strategy is very effective to show our students an operation that is very complicated to visualize. Teachers usually make an effort to support their explanations with manipulatives and visuals, because if they […]

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Tens and the Decimal Number System

Tens and the Decimal Number System

Let’s begin this post by defining tens. A ten is a group of ten units. It is the most natural number in our body through the fingers on our hands. If we count them one by one, we can see that we have ten fingers (units), which is the same as saying we have a ten […]

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Problems with Fractions and How to Solve Them

Problems with Fractions and How to Solve Them

In this post, we are going to give you some guidelines and advice for confronting problems with fractions. Problems with fractions, in no time! Fortywinklesburg is an imaginary kingdom where all of its inhabitants have a peculiar habit: they sleep for days without waking up. The Winklean’s, as they are called, sleep for so long […]

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How to Support Learning Mathematics for 4 Year Olds

How to Support Learning Mathematics for 4 Year Olds

Mathematics forms a part of our life practically from the time that we are born. From the time we are very young, without evening realizing, we participate in all types of activities that aid in the development and construction of mathematical thinking. “Humans are born with the fundamental sense of quantity.” – James Geary Presenting […]

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