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Montessori Cards to Learn Ones, Tens and Hundreds

The Montessori method was created by Maria Montessori, and a large part of it is facilitating the interaction between children and their reality. In other words, it involves getting them in contact with it by observing, manipulating, and organizing. Ultimately, it involves having them learn from their own experience.

The Montessori method’s main characteristics are the freedom of choice and movement, both at the time of choosing and duration. As well as the promotion of autonomy, self-correction, and respect for the particular rhythm of each child.

Montessori Materials

Montessori emphasizes learning through experience by encouraging the use of hands-on materials and sensory stimulation. These tools help children grasp concepts in a concrete manner before progressing to more abstract ideas. This approach engages children with fundamental mathematical principles, transforming a complex reality into simple, easy-to-understand elements.

While there are many materials, such as the Pink Tower, number bars, and Seguin tables, this time, we will focus on Montessori cards. These cards assist in composing and breaking down (decomposing) numbers and help us understand the decimal number system.

Montessori cards

These colored cards allow for the introduction of the decimal number system with ones (from 1-9) in green, tens (from 10-90) in blue, hundreds (from 100-900) in yellow, and finally, thousands (from 1000 to 9000) in red. This system allows them to identify each of the categories in an easy and enjoyable way.

Montessori cards

The interesting aspect of this method is that it helps the child grasp the positional value of numbers. For example, when considering the number nine hundred forty-six, it’s important for the child to comprehend that this number consists of:

9 hundred: 900 ones

4 tens: 40 ones

6 ones

In the same way, Montessori cards allow children to practice breaking down (decomposing) numbers. For example, to break down the number four thousand three hundred ninety-five, you must add the cards that represent:

4 thousand: 4000 ones

3 hundred: 300 ones

9 tens: 90 ones

5 ones

Montessori cards

To continue practicing with Montessori cards and other elementary math topics, log on to Smartick and try it for free.

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Diane Ackerman
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