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Improve Your Child’s Math Skills with Smartick

Improve Your Child’s Math Skills with Smartick

Diane is a New Jersey-based writer and blogger. She’s a wife, and a mother to a 9-year-old boy. Through her blog, she wants to inspire moms to find Zen in their lives while offering practical tips and other valuable information to help families deal with everyday issues. Her child had struggled with math during the […]

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Yes, We’re for Testing Times Tables

Yes, We’re for Testing Times Tables

How important is testing times tables? Is it crazy to test children on their times tables using a five minute exam? This is what some 7,000 Year 4 children from 250 schools across the UK are going to have to do, according to government plans. The measure has received criticism from some teachers who say […]

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What’s the Difference Between a European Billion and an American Billion?

We know that mathematical terms can vary across the world and that there are different units of measurement, decimal separators and division methods. In today’s post we’re going to talk about a subject that invokes some confusion: a billion in an Anglophone country such as the United States is not the same as a billion in a Hispanophone country like Spain, […]

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Mathematics: Training for Life

Mathematics: Training for Life

“When are we ever going to use this?” Think about it. In which subject will students most likely ask this question? Yes, in math. And we’ve spent years admitting they are right. If math is, in general, the most hated and feared subject by millions of children in the world, it may be because they don’t see […]

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A Tale of Two Sisters: Smartick Math

A Tale of Two Sisters: Smartick Math

Melissa is an Iowa mom to two girls who recently started using Smartick to enhance their math education. Her girls had different feelings towards the subject, but they both seem to enjoy the features in Smartick. You can read the full tale on her blog, Rolling Prairie. This is how Katie and Addie felt before using […]

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Smartick: When Technology Supports and Improves Traditional Education

Smartick: When Technology Supports and Improves Traditional Education

Smartick is much more than math practice or mental calculation. The method is also based on essential values for the integral development of children. Below we explain the fundamental pillars of Smartick that combine the best of traditional education with technology. When technology supports traditional education Effort. Even though it only takes 15 minutes a day, Smartick is extra math […]

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Adding and Subtracting Fractions: Why Do They Need the Same Denominator?

Adding and Subtracting Fractions: Why Do They Need the Same Denominator?

Today we’re going to find out why, when we’re adding and subtracting fractions, they need to have the same denominator. If you didn’t already know, when we’re adding and subtracting fractions, they must be homogeneous. You can read more about homogeneous and heterogeneous fractions in this post. It’s really easy to understand using visual aids, which we’ll take […]

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Prime Numbers Activities with Smartick

Prime Numbers Activities with Smartick

In previous posts we’ve learned about prime numbers and composite numbers. Today we’re going to look at different sequenced prime numbers activities involving prime numbers that Smartick students work on. We’ve included examples of different types and levels, from identifying whether a number is prime or composite to finding the least common multiple and highest common factor through […]

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Stimulation of Mathematical Talent with Smartick

Stimulation of Mathematical Talent with Smartick

In colloquial terms, we use the labels “gifted child”, “student with high abilities”, “child prodigy” or “gifted and talented” in an indifferent manner, but it’s important to know that there are many nuances that differentiate these terms. First of all, when we refer to a person as someone with high abilities we’re talking about someone who demonstrates […]

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