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Logic Exercises at Smartick

In this week’s post, we are going to look at the types of logic exercises that we have at Smartick. Logic exercises are very important for putting thoughts in order, for expressing them clearly, for analyzing, for deducing correctly and finally, for solving problems that we’ve never seen before. We think it’s essential that our […]

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Powers in Math

Hello! How did your week start off? Are you ready to learn about what powers are today? Yes! You heard correctly, today we are going to focus on powers. Do you know what powers are for? We use powers to simplify multiplication problems that use more than one of the same number. The power of […]

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Classification: First Steps towards Logical-Mathematical Thinking

Classification: First Steps towards Logical-Mathematical Thinking

Within logical-mathematical knowledge is the process of classification, which represents the first steps towards learning more complex mathematical concepts. Classification generates a series of mental relations through which children group objects according to similarities and differences, depending on different criteria: shape, color, size, etc… These relationships are the basis for the construction of logical-mathematical thinking. […]

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Angles Explained with Clockhands

Angles Explained with Clockhands

In today’s post, we’ll be relating clocks to angles as we are learning how to calculate the angle that the two hands on a clock form. An analog clock has 12 numbers, which divide the clock into 12 equal parts. These divisions indicate the hours. Each hour is divided into five subdivisions that amount to […]

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Lines: What They Are, Types, and Examples

Lines: What They Are, Types, and Examples

In this post, we are going to learn about straight and curved lines which Euclid described and studied. Many, many years ago (more than 2,000 years) there was a culture to which we owe an important part of mathematics, Ancient Greece. It is likely that Euclid’s contribution was the most important. He collected everything that […]

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What Are Combined Operations?

What are combined operations? They are those in which various arithmetic operations appear: adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. How do you solve them? To solve combined operations correctly you have to follow the following steps: STEP 1: Do the operations that are inside of the parentheses. In our example, we have inside of the parentheses […]

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Exercise Regularly and Learn Better!

Exercise Regularly and Learn Better!

Regular exercise has many health benefits. These benefits are not just physical, but psychological as well, because exercise affects chemicals that alter one’s mood. It has been shown that physical therapy can act as an antidepressant for some people and can accelerate the recovery process for individuals who have suffered brain injuries or strokes. Apparently, […]

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