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9 Strategies for Helping Kids Deal with Frustration

9 Strategies for Helping Kids Deal with Frustration

If parents give children the opportunity and the autonomy to make mistakes and try again, it can help them manage frustration, build their self-confidence and teach them persistence in achieving their goals. Here are nine approaches for today’s parents: 9 Strategies for Helping Kids Deal with Frustration Send consistent messages to your children in what […]

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Smartick at Mass Innovation Nights at Autodesk

When you move to the U.S. and launch your new product in a city like Boston, you get access to a wonderfully involved, supportive startup community. One part of this community is a new product showcase called Mass Innovation Nights (MIN). MIN is a monthly product launch party and networking event designed to connect startups […]

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5 Ways to Reinforce Positive Behaviors in Your Child

5 Ways to Reinforce Positive Behaviors in Your Child

  Parents loom large in the development of their children’s personalities. As the Pixar film Inside Out shows it, parents form the biggest “islands” (personality aspects) for their children. As the principle socialization agents for their children, parents have a large array of resources at their disposal to mold their children’s behavior. “Have you eaten […]

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Learn and Practice Vertical Adding

Learn and Practice Vertical Adding

In today’s post, we are going to review vertical adding. As always, we are going to review with examples that help us understand what it consists of and how it’s done. But before starting, let’s review the math cubes that we’re going to use in order to add. How do we represent a number with […]

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Using Frustration and Failure as Educational Tools

Several scientifically-based studies, by Walter Mischel, Martin Seligman, Angela Duckworth, and others, confirm that cognitive ability (measured, for example, by IQ) is not a reliable indicator of success and achievement. How do we define success and achievement? We look at academic indicators (like grades and test scores) or social factors (a career, stable family life, […]

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Learn the Origins of the Months in a Year

Learn the Origins of the Months in a Year

In today’s post, we will look at the origins of the months in a year. Throughout history, the act of telling time has been a necessity for human beings. Wanting to have more control over time, mankind took the approach of a chronological division of semantic time. We presume that an astronomical year lasts 365 days, […]

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