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I Look Like an Engineer

If there is anything certain in the debate about why there aren’t enough women in engineering and general sciences, it is that girls see too few role models in these fields. That is not to say that the availability of STEM role models is an issue that only affects girls (soccer stars and celebrities spend […]

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Practice Length Measurement Problems

Practice Length Measurement Problems

To solve length measurement problems, we need to have various factors in mind: the unit of measurement used, conversion exercises, and the understanding of how to use different measuring units. In this post, we’ll present different exercise types that’ll help us understand these concepts. Unit of Measure Used to Express the Information In problems that […]

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10 Mistakes Parents Make with Their Children’s Homework

10 Mistakes Parents Make with Their Children’s Homework

Homework is a basic pillar of the education system. As unpopular as it might be with some kids, most parents and teachers defend homework, saying it reinforces classroom learning, helps create good work habits and discipline, and benefits concentration and memory. Homework is a child’s task and responsibility, however, parents also play a role: that […]

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How Can Smartick Motivate Children with Math?

At Smartick, we want our students to learn as well as be motived to keep on learning math. We’ve already talked to you about gamification in other entries and about the changes that were introduced in order to motivate children. The North American psychologist, A. Maslow, believes that motivation is an impulse that humans have […]

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Addition Properties with Examples

Addition Properties with Examples

We will learn about the addition properties through an everyday situation: Preparing a backpack for school. Shall we begin? We look for an empty backpack and open it. First, we put in 3 large notebooks and then 6 small notebooks. How many notebooks are there in the bag? To answer this question, simply add the […]

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The Distributive Property of Multiplication

Hello! We’re back again. Today we will look at one of the properties of multiplication: the distributive property of multiplication. As you may know, multiplication has different properties, let’s review them: Commutative property Associative property Identity Property Distributive property Let’s focus on the distributive property of multiplication The distributive property of multiplication states that when […]

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“Smartick Is Fun and Flexible”

We care about our students’ opinions and their experiences with Smartick. Today, we’re introducing you to Elise, mother of a Smartick student (also named Elise). How did you find out about Smartick? Through a press article. I had already removed my daughter from paper-based programme, because it was a horrible struggle. I made the decision […]

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Why Jeremy Irons Loves Math

Jeremy Irons, at the age of 67, has fallen in love with math thanks to his latest role as the brilliant Cambridge mathematician G. H. Hardy in the recently released film “The Man Who Knew Infinity.” In interviews, Irons has spoken about the seemingly paradoxical connection between emotion and pure thought, and abstract thought and […]

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Equivalent Fractions

Equivalent Fractions

What are equivalent fractions? In this post, we are going to understand what equivalent fractions are and how you can find out what fractions are equivalent. Equivalent fractions are fractions that represent the same quantity. For example, which of the following do you believe will be the biggest? What have you figured out? We are […]

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