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Smartick is a fun way to learn math!

I want to learn about: Education

Learn about education with Smartick! Through interviews with experts in the field, education advice for the youngest ones at home, and much more.


Smartick Lands in Singapore, a Country with One of the Most Challenging Education Systems in the World

Smartick Lands in Singapore, a Country with One of the Most Challenging Education Systems in the World

At Smartick, we have always been conscious that we must learn from the best and measure up to environments that have education at their forefront. The huge advantage of Smartick being online is that children can do sessions from anywhere in the world. We have had special releases in some countries, and we have just launched in Singapore: a […]

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Yes, We’re for Testing Times Tables

Yes, We’re for Testing Times Tables

How important is testing times tables? Is it crazy to test children on their times tables using a five minute exam? This is what some 7,000 Year 4 children from 250 schools across the UK are going to have to do, according to government plans. The measure has received criticism from some teachers who say […]

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Mathematics: Training for Life

Mathematics: Training for Life

“When are we ever going to use this?” Think about it. In which subject will students most likely ask this question? Yes, in math. And we’ve spent years admitting they are right. If math is, in general, the most hated and feared subject by millions of children in the world, it may be because they don’t see […]

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Stimulation of Mathematical Talent with Smartick

Stimulation of Mathematical Talent with Smartick

In colloquial terms, we use the labels “gifted child”, “student with high abilities”, “child prodigy” or “gifted and talented” in an indifferent manner, but it’s important to know that there are many nuances that differentiate these terms. First of all, when we refer to a person as someone with high abilities we’re talking about someone who demonstrates […]

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Differences between IXL and Smartick

Differences between IXL and Smartick

As parents often ask, we have outlined some Smartick features and compared them with IXL Math. We would like to help families make an informed decision when selecting an online math program. We want to guide them through what we believe is important and what they should look for. 1. Personalized experience No two students […]

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PISA Report: How Happy Are Our Children at School?

How happy are children at school? A few days ago, the OECD, through PISA, released an International study of children’s happiness with their schools and routines in order to answer this very question. Among the headlines were the number of hours teenagers spend surfing the internet in Great Britain and the United States. In addition, […]

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“We’ve Found a Modern Day, Much-Improved Version of the Kumon Math Program Used with My Girls”

Dr. Barbara Oakley is a Professor of Engineering at Oakland University. She has created and teaches the world’s most popular course on Coursera: Learning How To Learn. She is also involved in multiple areas of research, ranging from STEM education to Engineering education, to learning practices. She is a big fan of Smartick, and we were […]

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The Importance of Finger Counting

Fingers are one of the most helpful tools for children in learning mathematical concepts. This is partly due to their availability; it allows children to establish one to one correspondences, or it helps to lessen the memory load of a problem thanks to having physical representations of quantities. It can even help make instantly perceive […]

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Character and Smartick

Character and Smartick

Smart kids are lucky. They look at a book and begin to read. They ‘get’ math. They glide through school without a care. While other kids spend hours studying for a test, the smart kids just show up and ace it. That works up to a point. For each kid that point is at a […]

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Asian Countries Remain Well above the US in Math: TIMSS 2015

Asian Countries Remain Well above the US in Math: TIMSS 2015

Another international exam, another disappointment for the US. The publication of the results of TIMSS 2015, an international test which assesses performance in math and science across 49 countries, did not bear good news for the US. It showed no improvement from 2011, unlike the Asian countries which remain at the head of the field. […]

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Helicopter Parent and Tiger Mothers

We confess we had never heard of a helicopter parent until a friend brought up another parent whose son had just suffered an accident: “He is such a total helicopter parent.” It turns out that there are several types of helicopter parents — combat, traffic and rescue, for example — and this phenomenon has raised […]

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